Zombie Panic: source v2.0 Released on Steam Thursday, 29 October 2009

We told you we'd reveal more about Zombie Panic! Source v2.0 soon and by that we hoped to surprise you with an early release! We're all going to be busy celebrating Halloween and we hope to hear all about yours so instead of waiting till the 31st. Enjoy ZPS v2.0 Now! If you already have ZPS installed it should already be updating/updated and we've already contacted the Servers to let them know to update theirs. It's a very large patch (400+ MB) so get updating ASAP. If however you don't have ZPS...

ZPS v2.0 Available NOW on Steam! Plus Contest Winners! [zombiepanic.org]


- Added ZPA gamemode.
.- Added "wounding" instead of infection for ZPA carriers. (Damage over time to humans)
.- Pistols and melee weapons dropped in ZPA fade after 20 seconds.
.- Choose4 now functions again in ZPA, allows you to switch team
.- Team autobalance is built-in.
.- "mp_zpanobalance" turns autobalance off in ZPA.
.- "mp_zpabalancefactor" changes the degree to which teams can be imbalanced.
.- "sv_zp_checkautobalance" forces an autobalance check.
.- Automatic weapon spawning system, no need for weapon entities.
.- New team score system implemented for ZPA. Your score is always on the left, color indicates team.
.- "zpathink" proceeds to the next ZPA side objective in testmode, useful for testing.
.- "mp_zparespawndelay" changes how long humans have to wait until they respawn.
.- "mp_zpatimelimit" changes the time limit in ZPA mode.
.- "sv_zp_solo" implemented for ZPA. It functions much like sv_testmode, but lets the round function normally.
- Added a new song (KM_Horde.mp3)
- Added Zpo_Shreddingfield
- Added Zps_Clubzombo.
- Added Zpa_Badbayou
- Added Zpa_Town
- Added Bezerk mode for Zombies.
- Added Objective list for levels.
- Added Objective beacons for levels.
- Added trigger_capturepoint_zp (Capture points).
- Added new Character (Lea).
- Added Phong shader to models (All characters, hands, some guns, some props).
- Added new melee weapon: Baseball bat!
- Added a new rain precipitation sprite and tweaked settings to get better looking rain.
- Added filter property to momentary_rot_button entity, which limits rotation to those activators who match the filter_activator_ conditions (see filter_activator_team).
- Added game_text recipient filter attribute, allowing mappers to filter recipients of text messages via the filter_activator_ (like filter_activator_team).
- Grenade cooking added.
- Updated Policestation.
- Updated Biotec
- Updated Nightmare.
- Updated Asylum.
- Updated Deadend.
- Updated Haunted.
- Updated Tanker.
- Updated Keretti.
- Updated Subway (ZPO version).
- Updated Deadblock (ZPO version).
- Updated animations for all melee weapons.
- Updated weapon pickup system, should be more accurate now.
- Waitress playermodel and texture updated.
- Replaced frying pan with a highly detailed cast iron pan.
- Replaced pot.
- Fixed Unload weapon bug.
- Fixed remaining issues with turning hardcore on/off. (Extra carriers, etc.)
- Fixed exploit when a player could block a door by spamming +use. Doors can't be closed while opening anymore.
- Eugene playermodel fixed weights and small updates to texture.
- Spawn points can now be enabled or disabled (Leveldesign).
- Buttons now have a built-in team filter (Leveldesign).
- Humanclip and Zombie clip now only block players, bullets can get through (Leveldesign).
- Timer visibility and scaling improvements.
- Removed Deadblock (ZPS version).
- Removed Subway (ZPS version).
- Removed Golfclub from Starting melee weapons.