A few Layout Changes & Bug Fixes Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I have just created a new category called ' Developer Ramblings'. This will be  devoted to informing you all how to site is developing and any changes to the site.

As you may of already seen there have been a few layout alterations. Firstly I have been reviewing and experimenting with advert placement. This has meant a few changes to the details page. I have removed underperfoming adverts and streamlined the details page and advertising on it.

A few changes to the tables and related videos on the site have been polished. I have plans to add related images and a full media section sometime in the future

Category navigation has been fixed so you can now correctly browse the site
e.g Home » Free Games » Real Time Stratagy » MechCommander 2

Other future plans include adding a tab at the top of a game details page to improve navigation of game descriptions and game media. I will be reviewing other aspects of the site to improve the overall look and feel of the site to improve usability and design aspects.