MechWarrior 4 (+Expantion Packs) to be Released for FREE! Thursday, 15 October 2009 has announced that it has been given permission to distribute the classic MechWarrior 4  to celebrate the 25th anniversary of  BattleTech. it also looks like they are doing more than just releasing it they are releasing it on a community distribution platform they call MekTek X (MTX) a system that will be similar to steam which will make patching and online interaction very easy. Currently they are waiting to clear up the last few legal issues before they can distribute but promise that loyal fans of the MechWarior series wont have long to wait. So watch this space and we will let you know as soon as possible when it is released.

MechWarrior To Be Distributed Free On

In honor of BattleTech’s 25th anniversary, Smith & Tinker has authorized and MekTek Studios to distribute MechWarrior 4 (along with its expansion packs) completely free.

MechWarrior free release update and MTX announced

For immediate release:
Its been awhile since we last updated you on the status of the free release of MechWarrior 4 so we felt the need to assure everyone that the time is nearing. We had hoped to release the free title the last weekend of summer but that unfortunately did not happen due to paperwork.

Our focus on the strongfree/strong release has been revamping our match making service MekMatch in order to accommodate many more users. In addition to the work being conducted on the MechWarrior 4 strongfree/strong release, we are also working on a community software distribution and patching application which we have been alluding to on our forums. This software is known as MekTek X (or simply MTX). X stands for the last decade of service to the MechWarrior community.

MTX will be the central point of distribution for the launch of the free release. This application boasts some of the following features:

  • Bootstrap Installations

  • Incremental Delta Auto-Patching

  • Torrent or HTTP Downloading from an exclusive MekTek Tracker

  • Custom Web Browser

  • News Updates from MekTek and Partners

  • Online Help

  • Community Chat Lobbies

  • Network Diagnostic Tools

To give you an idea of the game here is the game intro and some gameplay footage