New Game: NEOTOKYO is a first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting.
Fiesta Online Thursday, 29 October 2009
New Game: n Fiesta Online thousands of players can discover a colorful and breathing world full of adventure.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 19:05 0 comments
Labels: New Games
Zombpocalypse Review: IMBACORE
It's has got all the gore you want, the simple mindlessness of the catharsis that you crave for, all in one adrenaline-pumping package that recalls back the days of arcade yore. Layer this with advanced graphics effects like specular, lightmaps, dynamic shadows, muzzle flashes, and advanced shaders and you've got one hell of a zombie shooter. Read More...
Read the Full Review here...
Review: Downloadable Free PC FPS Horror Shooter Zombpocalypse [IMBACORE]
Posted by GameStand Blog at 17:18 0 comments
Labels: Reviews, Social Feed
Assult Tech 1: Battletech
New Game: AT1:BT, a classic Mechwarrior2 remake, developed entirely from scratch, combines 'stompin elements from the entire Mechwarrior series.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 15:01 0 comments
Labels: New Games
AssaultTech1: BattleTech Released on Mek Tek X
We are still eagerly waiting for the release of Mech Warrior 4. However MekTek have released there distribution software MekTek X for public beta which will be the platform for Mech Warrior 4 and other Mech Warrior games. Released with MekTek X is AssaultTech1: BattleTech a classic Mechwarrior2 remake. It currently only has an offline instant action mode that gives you the basics of the game. However online play will be available some time in the future. Playing it last night was fun once i figured out the controls and gave me a taste for more future Mech Warrior updates and releases. Remember this game and MekTek X is still in very early beta stages so expect some bugs and huge improvements over the coming months.
IMBACORE added: surely has gotten an overhaul yesterday --- the site now has a brand new interface; it even shows a short animation clip of a Vulture (if memory serves). It also has a link to its YouTube channel. Releases v2.3 of its Downloadable Mechwarrior 2 Remake - Assault Tech 1: Battletech [IMBACORE]
Celebrating our 10 year anniversary (and BattleTech's 25th anniversary) is pleased to announce the immediate community release of AssaultTech1: BattleTech version 2.3.0 (better known as AT1:BT). Mechwarriors, the wait is over, choose your mech, choose your map, and choose your battle in 'instant action style gameplay, featuring classic BattleTech rules, in this latest standalone installment of MekTek's MechWarrior action-simulator. Since our last AT1 release, 2.3.0 features more Mechs, new weapons, new singleplayer maps and dozens of upgrades to our ICE engine including water, weathering, and vegetation rendering updates. AT1:BT is not only sure to satisfy the Mechwarrior's thirst for battlemech action but is also sure to satisfy any gamer's appetite for mech havoc.
AT1:BT, a classic Mechwarrior2 remake, developed entirely from scratch, combines 'stompin elements from the entire Mechwarrior series. AT1:BT was initially developed by Benzine Studios, later adopted by Studio MekTek Inc. in conjunction with our community effort For more information about AT1:BT, including new content and previews, visit MekTek at: was founded in 1999 to provide free downloadable content and tools for the Mechwarrior series. In the past's developments were entirely reverse engineered because Mechwarrior3 and 4 are closed source engines. Recently, Studio MekTek Inc. was established in 2006 as a private software development studio specializing in 3D development and provides development support to the community. MekTek's commitment to this project is to continue the ongoing AT1 effort and follow through with the direction set forth by Benzine Studios and continue developing AT1 with these interests aligned.
For Immediate Press Release []
Posted by GameStand Blog at 14:15 0 comments
Labels: News, Reviews, Social Feed
Zombie Panic: source v2.0 Released on Steam
We told you we'd reveal more about Zombie Panic! Source v2.0 soon and by that we hoped to surprise you with an early release! We're all going to be busy celebrating Halloween and we hope to hear all about yours so instead of waiting till the 31st. Enjoy ZPS v2.0 Now! If you already have ZPS installed it should already be updating/updated and we've already contacted the Servers to let them know to update theirs. It's a very large patch (400+ MB) so get updating ASAP. If however you don't have ZPS...
ZPS v2.0 Available NOW on Steam! Plus Contest Winners! []
- Added ZPA gamemode.
.- Added "wounding" instead of infection for ZPA carriers. (Damage over time to humans)
.- Pistols and melee weapons dropped in ZPA fade after 20 seconds.
.- Choose4 now functions again in ZPA, allows you to switch team
.- Team autobalance is built-in.
.- "mp_zpanobalance" turns autobalance off in ZPA.
.- "mp_zpabalancefactor" changes the degree to which teams can be imbalanced.
.- "sv_zp_checkautobalance" forces an autobalance check.
.- Automatic weapon spawning system, no need for weapon entities.
.- New team score system implemented for ZPA. Your score is always on the left, color indicates team.
.- "zpathink" proceeds to the next ZPA side objective in testmode, useful for testing.
.- "mp_zparespawndelay" changes how long humans have to wait until they respawn.
.- "mp_zpatimelimit" changes the time limit in ZPA mode.
.- "sv_zp_solo" implemented for ZPA. It functions much like sv_testmode, but lets the round function normally.
- Added a new song (KM_Horde.mp3)
- Added Zpo_Shreddingfield
- Added Zps_Clubzombo.
- Added Zpa_Badbayou
- Added Zpa_Town
- Added Bezerk mode for Zombies.
- Added Objective list for levels.
- Added Objective beacons for levels.
- Added trigger_capturepoint_zp (Capture points).
- Added new Character (Lea).
- Added Phong shader to models (All characters, hands, some guns, some props).
- Added new melee weapon: Baseball bat!
- Added a new rain precipitation sprite and tweaked settings to get better looking rain.
- Added filter property to momentary_rot_button entity, which limits rotation to those activators who match the filter_activator_ conditions (see filter_activator_team).
- Added game_text recipient filter attribute, allowing mappers to filter recipients of text messages via the filter_activator_ (like filter_activator_team).
- Grenade cooking added.
- Updated Policestation.
- Updated Biotec
- Updated Nightmare.
- Updated Asylum.
- Updated Deadend.
- Updated Haunted.
- Updated Tanker.
- Updated Keretti.
- Updated Subway (ZPO version).
- Updated Deadblock (ZPO version).
- Updated animations for all melee weapons.
- Updated weapon pickup system, should be more accurate now.
- Waitress playermodel and texture updated.
- Replaced frying pan with a highly detailed cast iron pan.
- Replaced pot.
- Fixed Unload weapon bug.
- Fixed remaining issues with turning hardcore on/off. (Extra carriers, etc.)
- Fixed exploit when a player could block a door by spamming +use. Doors can't be closed while opening anymore.
- Eugene playermodel fixed weights and small updates to texture.
- Spawn points can now be enabled or disabled (Leveldesign).
- Buttons now have a built-in team filter (Leveldesign).
- Humanclip and Zombie clip now only block players, bullets can get through (Leveldesign).
- Timer visibility and scaling improvements.
- Removed Deadblock (ZPS version).
- Removed Subway (ZPS version).
- Removed Golfclub from Starting melee weapons.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 13:45 0 comments
Labels: News, Social Feed
Zombie Panic: Source Update
New Version: v2.0. Zombie Panic: Source is a cooperative survival horror Half-Life 2 Modification
Posted by GameStand Blog at 05:50 0 comments
Labels: Game Updates, update
INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat Update
New Version: 2.5 Beta. Insurgency (INS) is a total conversion based on Valve Software's Source Engine. Insurgency immerses you into an intense multiplayer combat experience.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 04:37 0 comments
Labels: Game Updates, update
GameStand is Now an Official Mirror for Zombpocalypse
GameStand has just been made an official mirror for the arcade zombie shooter Zombpocalypse
Zombpocalypse download page
Download Now
Posted by GameStand Blog at 03:45 0 comments
Labels: Developer Ramblings
Insurgancy 2.5 Beta Released on Steam
The Latests version of Insurgancy has just been released free on steam if you haven't already check it out.
We're proud to announce the imminent release of Insurgency Beta 2.5 via Steam. This massive patch (the biggest we've ever released on Steam so far) comes with a long list of changes you can see in the following link. The update has already been uploaded and will be delivered to your Steam clients in the following hours..
Among these changes, we have new and long-awaited features such as the customizable Spawn Protection System, a newScoring / Morale system, and other gameplay-affecting tweaks that we believe will make public and competitive gameplay much more enjoyable. From timed ammo caches to an increased importance of focusing on the capture points, there's a lot to experience in this release, and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback!
A large part of our efforts have been focused on improving the visual quality of the mod. The list of upgraded skins, models, ironsights, maps or props is quite large, and you can also check each and every detail on the changelog. Some interface updates like more informative player icons or the all-new spectator menu (with proper first-person view of the other players) are also included.
But this visual upgrade does not end here: the feel of some weapons has substantially been improved, there are some of them that have been made much more pleasant to use, re-aligned, and optimized in many ways. Thanks to all the feedback and suggestions received from the community in the past few months, and the hard work of many people, long-overdue upgrades have been now possible, and we hope you enjoy each and every one of them. We've included an extensive list on the changelog.
Of course, a patch wouldn't be a patch without its fair share of bug fixes... we have addressed a large number of issues such as hit detection when prone or third person view of LMG tracers, and also prevented exploits such as rapid reloading, grenade / RPG spam, etc. Again, please take a look at the changelog to see a detailed breakdown.
Maps have also received substantial upgrades. ins_ramadi has changed quite a lot from the previous version, but there are also changes to ins_buhriz, ins_almaden, ins_karam, ins_karkar and ins_baghdad. There are some interesting layout and balance changes and tons of updates from community suggestions! The maps have also benefited from this visual upgrade to textures, models and props all around.
Sound-wise, there is a lot to experience in this new version. From improved footsteps and player sounds to bullet sounds, impacts, soundscapes or weapon sounds (M9, M1014, M14, Makarov, Al-Kadesiah…), these all help creating a much more intense atmosphere that we hope you'll enjoy as soon as you get into a battle.
With the holiday season already in sight, we'll be looking forward to seeing you on the Insurgency battlefields! We're not stopping here, though, as we're already working on future upgrades that couldn't make it into this patch, and remain focused on Beta 3 development!
Last, but not least, we'd like to thank all of you for your continued enthusiasm (and patience!). You, the INS community, each and every clan and individual player, have provided invaluable feedback and have contributed decisively to making this update possible. You push us into making each version better than the previous one, and we hope you continue giving us your support in the upcoming months!
Insurgency Beta 2.5 Released, via Steam []
Posted by GameStand Blog at 03:39 0 comments
Labels: News, Social Feed
New Game: Simply stated, Zombpocalyse is a no-frills action arcade shooter; reminiscent of the 8-bit era, but with next generation flare.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 02:51 0 comments
Labels: New Games
MechCommander Gold Review: IMBACORE
This is the first review on the GameStand Blog provided by
The review gives a good insite in what to expect when you download the game.
Okay, I thought, this must be like Ground Control, but without the 3D terrain. While I've no problem with sprite-based games, the fact that this one doesn't offer base-building left me kind of puzzled as to what it can offer to players. I mean a 2D real-time strategy game without base building? Maybe this game died and rotted under the sun as soon as it saw the light of day, I thought. Nevertheless, I still downloaded the game because of three reasons (one of which---hands down---dominates the other two):
1. It's part of the Battletech-MechWarrior franchise.
2. It's free!
3. It features a generous bird's-eye view of a MechWarrior's sweat-covered cleavage. In a full motion video. While she's in a cockpit, driving her thang.
MechCommander Gold is actually two games in one: the original MechCommander, and the "Desperate Measures" expansion. The original game has been tweaked, with it having several new features.
If my meager knowledge of Battletech/MechWarrior lore is accurate, thedownloadable full version Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game transpires during 3060 when a massive Inner Sphere task force invaded the Smoke Jaguar's homeworld. (The game begins with an FMV that flashes the caption "The counterattack begins.")
What I like best about this game though is that it has taken what has made Battletech so popular --- the ability to tweak your Battlemechs. In this game, you can outfit your mechs with a wide range of short-, medium-, and long-range weaponry that encompass energy- and projectile-based armaments. From armor-shredding autocannons to the dreaded Extended Range PPC, nearly all the weapons of the earlier Battletech games are here.
Downloadable PC Full Version Freeware Real-Time Strategy (RTS) Game Battletech - MechCommander Gold [IMBACORE]
Posted by GameStand Blog at 00:41 0 comments
Labels: Reviews, Social Feed
A few Layout Changes & Bug Fixes Tuesday, 27 October 2009
I have just created a new category called ' Developer Ramblings'. This will be devoted to informing you all how to site is developing and any changes to the site.
As you may of already seen there have been a few layout alterations. Firstly I have been reviewing and experimenting with advert placement. This has meant a few changes to the details page. I have removed underperfoming adverts and streamlined the details page and advertising on it.
A few changes to the tables and related videos on the site have been polished. I have plans to add related images and a full media section sometime in the future
Category navigation has been fixed so you can now correctly browse the site
e.g Home » Free Games » Real Time Stratagy » MechCommander 2
Other future plans include adding a tab at the top of a game details page to improve navigation of game descriptions and game media. I will be reviewing other aspects of the site to improve the overall look and feel of the site to improve usability and design aspects.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 15:06 0 comments
Labels: Developer Ramblings, News
GameStand Forum Friday, 23 October 2009
The forum is now open for business. So get posting your ideas, comments, suggestions and general stuffage.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 01:50 0 comments
Labels: News
Konoro Kingdom Advert Spotted
I just spotted this Google advert on my site for a friend site Konoro Kingdom a browser based game that is run by a friend of mine from University. The advert is likely there because it is linked at the footer of this site. I would be interested to hear from Konoro Kingdom how there advertising campaign has been going. Still think you should of called it 'Konoro Klingons' Dom :-P
Alien Arena 2009 Update Thursday, 22 October 2009
New Version: 7.32. If you like fast paced deathmatch? How about rich, colorful, arcadelike atmospheres? How about...retro Sci Fi? Then you're going to love what Alien Arena 2009 has in store for you!
Posted by GameStand Blog at 00:45 0 comments
Labels: Game Updates, update
MechWarrior 4 (+Expantion Packs) to be Released for FREE! Thursday, 15 October 2009 has announced that it has been given permission to distribute the classic MechWarrior 4 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of BattleTech. it also looks like they are doing more than just releasing it they are releasing it on a community distribution platform they call MekTek X (MTX) a system that will be similar to steam which will make patching and online interaction very easy. Currently they are waiting to clear up the last few legal issues before they can distribute but promise that loyal fans of the MechWarior series wont have long to wait. So watch this space and we will let you know as soon as possible when it is released.
MechWarrior To Be Distributed Free On
In honor of BattleTech’s 25th anniversary, Smith & Tinker has authorized and MekTek Studios to distribute MechWarrior 4 (along with its expansion packs) completely free.
MechWarrior free release update and MTX announced
For immediate release:
Its been awhile since we last updated you on the status of the free release of MechWarrior 4 so we felt the need to assure everyone that the time is nearing. We had hoped to release the free title the last weekend of summer but that unfortunately did not happen due to paperwork.
Our focus on the strongfree/strong release has been revamping our match making service MekMatch in order to accommodate many more users. In addition to the work being conducted on the MechWarrior 4 strongfree/strong release, we are also working on a community software distribution and patching application which we have been alluding to on our forums. This software is known as MekTek X (or simply MTX). X stands for the last decade of service to the MechWarrior community.
MTX will be the central point of distribution for the launch of the free release. This application boasts some of the following features:
- Bootstrap Installations
- Incremental Delta Auto-Patching
- Torrent or HTTP Downloading from an exclusive MekTek Tracker
- Custom Web Browser
- News Updates from MekTek and Partners
- Online Help
- Community Chat Lobbies
- Network Diagnostic Tools
To give you an idea of the game here is the game intro and some gameplay footage
Alien Arena 7.32 Imminent
Due to a major bug found in the latest version of Alien Arena (7.31) a new release (7.32) will be available very soon.
This week we were made aware of a severe bug when using the Nvidia 191.xx series of drivers(which apparently is alot of people), in which the game will not run at all. This is unfortunately forcing our hand to release a new version to address this issue. For those who already have version 7.31, a patch will be issued to update the game to 7.32.
There is some good news though, as we will be including some new things in the patch and full release, so even if you don't have a problem with the game, it's worth updating.
1 - Dynamic
world shadows using shadowmaps. This was something in the works for a while but didn't make it into 7.31. An example of what this looks like can be seen here - - notice the stairs now casting a shadow that has a fading penumbra!
2 - A new map, dm-zion2k9. Check the screenshots at to get a taste of what this map is like!
3 - A couple of items like splash damage giving off hit indicator sounds, and a nifty new spawn effect.
The patch and full installation will be made available to the public next week. Forum members will have access to the patch in the next day or so.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience, and happy fragging!Alienrace Newsletter
Posted by GameStand Blog at 14:38 0 comments
Labels: alien arena, bug, News, update
Truck Racing by Renault Trucks
New Game: Renault Truck Racing by Renault Trucks, a free truck racing game.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 02:42 0 comments
Labels: New Games
GameStand Going Social Tuesday, 13 October 2009
GameStand is making new friends! We are now on the following social networks: Facebook
GameStand hasn't got many friends yet please become a friend/fan if you like the site and want to show your support.
Also for the people who have been asking. The forum will be setup soon!
Want to subscribe? RSS
Email Subscription
Posted by GameStand Blog at 23:07 2 comments
Labels: News
GameStand Cascading News System
We have just completed a new system that will allow us to get news to you about GameStand. The system will automatically post updates and new games to the Blog, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and more. It will also post news updates such as this one. This system will save us posting the same news several times to different social networks. I hope you find this useful in getting all the information you need to know. We expect there to be a few issues with the system as the system is tested so please be patient while any issues are found and resolved. If you are interested in how the system works take a look at this diagram:
Posted by GameStand Blog at 19:29 0 comments
Labels: News
Welcome to the new GameStand Blog
Welcome to the blog. Where we will be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from GameStand. Please bare with us while the blog is set up correctly.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 18:47 0 comments
Labels: News
Battleships Forever Wednesday, 7 October 2009
New Game: Battleships Forever is a freeware tactical Real Time Strategy game that put's you in command of a small fleet of warships in space.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 20:35 0 comments
Labels: New Games
Research & Development
New Game: Research and Development is a puzzle-centric mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two featuring an unarmed player but plenty of violent mayhem.
Posted by GameStand Blog at 16:16 0 comments
Out of the Park Baseball 8
New Game: Do you enjoy fantasy baseball? Do you think you'd make a pretty good baseball general manager? Do you wish you could do a little something more than just run a fantasy draft and then watch the box scores all season?
Posted by GameStand Blog at 02:25 0 comments
Strider Mountain Saturday, 3 October 2009
New Game: SURVIVE the SUMMIT ...The rebels are losing the battle against the strider onslaught that keeps growing. To help turn the tide of war you need to destroy the source of the Striders
Posted by GameStand Blog at 01:56 0 comments