GameStand v2.5 Released! Sunday, 22 November 2009

I have been working on a UI overhaul of the site. I have listened to feedback about the current site and had more inspiration for it. This update includes some major tidying up of code. This meant hours of trawling though finding errors useless code and also rewriting the CSS page. But as you can see the update has been rolled out and the site looks better than ever.

The next step is the look out for bugs and fix them (I already have a list of bugs to fix).

Changes Summery:

  • New revised design to improve the overall quality feel of the site

  • Major coding overhaul to improve performance and make my life easier

  • Revised categories

  • More Patches

  • More free MMORPG games (Suggestions welcome)

  • Removal of the wibiya bar

  • Improved Ad placements

There are still items to complete, these include:

  • New file search

  • Repair RSS (GGRRRR keeps breaking)

  • Integrating Google friend connect (specifically the review widget)

  • New download and editors pick buttons

  • Lots of random fixes

  • Improved blog theme

Once these last additions are done and the bugs fixed that should be it for the site design. I may even remove the beta tag from my logo!

Enjoy the Site!


Matt said...

Hey nice changes. Just think you need to work on spelling (eg Summery - Summary)