3 Classic Command & Conquer Games are Now Available as Freeware Tuesday, 16 February 2010

3 Classic Command & Conquer Games are Now Available as Freeware

EA recently released the classic Command & Conquer game Tiberian Sun and the expansion pack Firestorm. This means that the first 3 titles from the epic real time strategy franchise are now freely available for download on GameStand.

Tiberian sun continued the Story from the original Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn). the main storyline follows the second war between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod taking place in 2030, roughly 30 years after the end of Command & Conquer.

This download also includes the Firestorm expansion pack

Download - 1.3GB

Command & Conquer: Red Alert (1996)

Red Alert was the prequel to the original Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn). Set in a alternative universe where Eienstein travels back in time a kills Hitler allowing the Soviet Union power to dominate Europe. Allied Forces battle an aggressive Soviet Union for control over the European mainland.

Download - 1GB

Command & Conquer [Tiberian Dawn] (1995)

The first of the Command & Conquer games which saw the struggle between the the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod as they fight for control over the mysterious resource Tiberium.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and Firestorm Released as Freeware: IMBACORE

That's right, EA has released two new chapters in the war against Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod as free strategy games. I'll download this over the weekend and "take the guns for a spin."

Download - 1.2GB

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Free Full Version PC Strategy Games News: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and Firestorm Released as Freeware [IMBACORE]